Rob WaltonRob worked for 20 years at CSIRO Australia Division of Geomechanics. His early work involved the development and use of equivalent material models to study the behaviour of mines and tunnels. This work developed into the area of field and laboratory investigations to further understand rock behaviour caused by excavation and rock support practices. The design, development and application of geotechnical instrumentation for field studies formed a significant component of these activities. Rob is the co-inventor of the Hollow Inclusion (HI) Stress Measurement Cell to measure stress in solid media which was awarded an Australian Patent. Rob contributed to the development of a world-wide market for Australian rock stress measurement technology by carrying out lectures, workshops and demonstrations in Canada, Chile, China, France, India, Italy, Korea. USA, UK, Taiwan, South Africa and Sweden.
In the early 1990s Rob joined Mindata Australia as foundation Managing Director, a position he held for 8 years. Mindata developed, manufactured and serviced geotechnical and environmental instruments and systems. |
Associations |
For R&D and manufacturing TRT works closely with;
- Cadeanco - Gemar Electronics - Plexcom Industries |
For sales and support in -
CHILE: Geosinergia Ltda.; [email protected], [email protected] ITALY: GDtest srl.; [email protected] Sial.tec srl.; [email protected], [email protected] CNR Politecnico di Torino; [email protected] SOUTH AFRICA: Groundwork Consulting; [email protected] |